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If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admissions arrangements below.


A placement in our school involves parents making a positive decision in the light of the information and options available to them.

We have an average intake of 10-15 pupils per year across the age range. However, actual intake depends upon the number of pupils opting for a place and their specific needs. A pupil can be admitted at any stage of the school year following the procedure laid out below so long as there is a place vacant and we can meet his/her needs; however the Local Authority will make the decision whether to allocate a place to a child in our school.

There are four main routes by which a pupil can be admitted to Kingsbury School, bearing in mind that we are designated to meet the needs of pupils with moderate, severe or profound learning difficulties including Autism Spectrum Disorders.

The pupil undergoes assessment under the procedure laid down in the "Code of Practice of Special Educational Needs" on the identification and assessment of special educational needs.

As a result a pupil may be issued with an Education, Health and Care plan.

  1. If following statutory assessment a school for pupils with Generic Learning Difficulties is needed the Area Special Educational Needs Officer will request a placement.

    The Headteacher will consider the papers, and if there is a vacancy, inform the Officer. The pupil will be admitted if his/or her needs identified on the Education, Health and Care plan can be met and a space is available in the appropriate class group.
  2. A pupil with a Statement/ Education, Health and Care plan arrives from another area or L.A.

    The SEN department will be made aware of the pupil and if it is deemed that a school for pupils with Generic Learning Difficulties is an appropriate place, a place may be requested at Kingsbury school. The pupil will be admitted if his/or her needs identified on the Education, Health and Care plan can be met and a space is available in the appropriate class group.
  3. An emergency assessment placement is required.

    To be no more than 6 months in the first instance, to enable the statutory assessment process to take place. These admissions will be at the request of the Special Educational Needs Department and confirmed after discussions with the Headteacher.

Once admitted to our school the pupil’s progress is reviewed termly. The Statement of Special Educational Needs/ Education, Health and Care plan is reviewed on an annual basis. We also review the placement to ensure that a pupil is correctly placed. Movement to another school for a more suitable situation, if appropriate, is always an option that we, or parents, can initiate.

Click below to view Lancashire County Council Admissions page